The RainCatcher, based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, specializes in making your world greener! We offer landscaping and hardscaping, rainwater harvesting, irrigation and water recycling systems, permaculture landscape design, and much more. As a locally-grown company, we believe in working with nature to create sustainable environments, using smart solutions. The RainCatcher provides design and installation of all sizes of rainwater catchment systems, cisterns above and below ground, drip irrigation, erosion control, greywater recycling and more! Take a look at what we do, and contact us to … Learn more >
"We are so pleased with the work that the RainCatcher has done at our home. They have transformed our yard into a beautiful garden that we can enjoy year round. The attention to detail … more >
One of the most rewarding parts of our work is seeing a landscape transform before our eyes. The process of taking an existing situation or problem, designing a solution, and … more >
Creating sustainable landsites with water-wise landscaping is one of The RainCatcher's specialties. Sustainable landscapes are able to grow and thrive without constant human intervention … more >
The long term effects of erosion can be devastating: the loss of trees, landscape and property, flooding damage, the depletion of groundwater, loss of property value, … more >
Rainwater is a precious resource in the Southwest, yet many people fail to utilize this free commodity effectively. Capturing and storing rainwater can not only save money, it can help … more >
Permaculture is an approach to design that mimics the relationships found in natural ecologies. It operates by a set of principles: care of the Earth, care of people, and sharing surplus. … more >
Xeriscaping incorporates native flowers, trees and foliage to design a landsite that is drought tolerant, yet still lush and beautiful. The advantages of xeriscaped gardens and landscapes … more >

How can permaculture landscape design help my property?
Can greywater and blackwater be recycled in New Mexico?
How can I spot destructive erosion on my property?
What is active rainwater harvesting?
How much rainwater can I collect from my roof?
How can I use passive rainwater harvesting in my landscaping?
What is a sustainable landscape?
How much rainfall does Santa Fe receive in a year?
RainCatcher News

Amazing Rain Garden Project in Santa Fe | East Alameda
In July of 2022, The RainCatcher and the City of Santa Fe, along with other partners, unveiled the newest of seven "Rain Gardens" on East Alameda Street. A combination of form and function, these new Rain Gardens are designed to be natural park-like areas for the public, yet also serve an important purpose: to filter and cleanse rainwater before … Learn more >

Stormwater Design Project for Flooding | Madrid, NM
Located on the hillside behind the town of Madrid, NM you can see a brand new stormwater design in action. Due to heavy flooding from the infrequent and sometimes catastrophic deluges that can come in the summer months, the New Mexico Abandoned Mine Land Program headed by John Kretzmann put together a design and installation project to help … Learn more >

Landscape Design | Las Campanas Entrance
Since 2018, The RainCatcher Inc. has been working with the Las Campanas Owners Association landscape committee to enhance and improve the 23 entrances going into the Las Campanas subdivision outside of Santa Fe, NM. The need for a complete redesign and overhaul of the existing entrances came from an extremely outdated landscape palette that was … Learn more >

Rainwater and stormwater harvesting to heal the planet
Reese Baker, owner of The RainCatcher, shares the secrets for creating a healthy ecosystem – simply by capturing rainwater and stormwater, and building fungal-rich soils. In this inspiring and informative 5-minute video, he and his team show how they are filtering water, building a thriving natural habitat, and creating a more resilient and … Learn more >

Explore a Santa Fe Permaculture Food Forest
Tour an urban homestead oasis! Visit the home of The Raincatcher's owner, Reese Baker, and learn how you can add edible landscaping, fruit/nut trees, recycled greywater and year-round greens to your property. Reese and his family turned bare, non-descript yards into a food forest lush with shade trees, flowing … Learn more >