The RainCatcher Inc. is a full service design/build company. We focus on the principles of sustainability and follow the code of ethics set forth by the permaculture principle: care of earth, care of people, sharing surplus. The RainCatcher utilizes water harvesting, water catchment, edible/sustainable landscapes, irrigation, wastewater treatment and reuse, erosion control and restoration to create intelligently designed, sustainable landsites.
We offer:
• Rainwater Harvesting
The RainCatcher specializes in systems that collect and store rainwater. Options include either passive rainwater harvesting or active rainwater harvesting. Stored rainwater can be used in many ways once it has been gathered, i.e. for irrigation, fountains, ponds, animals, and domestic uses for humans. See our Rainwater Harvesting section for more information and ideas.
• Water Recycling & Wastewater Treatment
Reuse of rainwater, greywater and blackwater are legal in New Mexico. In nature, water is used as many times as possible before leaving the landscape as groundwater or evaporation. We can utilize this same conservationist approach to maximize potential water use. Visit our Water Recycling page and gallery for more information and ideas.
• Edible Landscaping
From fruit and nut trees to berries, grapes and veggies, the choices for landscaping that is both beautiful and edible are endless. Many edible plants can fill the same niches that other more common plants fill, plus they provide food for us as well as being edible plant materials for native wildlife. Read more about them in our Edible Landscaping section.
• Irrigation Systems
A key component in any landscape! The RainCatcher offers efficient watering techniques that can help you save money and water. Irrigation systems can be fed from municipal water sources, wells – and even better – rainwater catchment systems. Using rainwater as a primary irrigation source is a wonderful way to grow a healthy and sustainable landscape. Learn about the options to keep your landscape thriving in our Irrigation Systems section.
• Permaculture Design
Create beautiful, sustainable landscapes that build soil, grow food, conserve water, moderate flood and drought conditions, create natural habitats and increase biodiversity – all with permaculture design! Working with nature we can cooperatively utilize all of the aspects of the natural world to meet our needs and bring the Earth back to health. Read more about these principles in our Permaculture section.
• Erosion Control
The fragile soils in our high desert are very susceptible to major erosion and it frequently goes unchecked here in the southwest. With minimal techniques to help sediment deposition, we can re-establish vegetation to hold soils in place and bring the land back to a healthier state. Learn about the options in the Erosion Control section.
• Landscaping, Xeriscaping & Sustainable Landsites
Sustainable landsites can grow and thrive without the constant intervention of humans and artificial resources. Xeriscaping is a landscaping method developed for arid and semiarid climates that utilizes water-conserving techniques, such as using drought-tolerant plants, mulch, and efficient irrigation. In the high desert where soil is extremely fragile and water is limited, design is the most critical factor. Find out more about how to create a water-wise landsite in our Landscaping & Xeriscaping section.
• Hardscaping & Stonework
Hardscaping is a permanent infrastructure that can create many wonderful aspects of a new landscape. Whether you’re looking for meandering pathways, garden beds, terraces for erosion control, or flagstone patios, The RainCatcher has crews of experienced stone masons to greatly enhance your property by adding these features. Learn more and view examples in our Hardscaping & Stonework section.
Seeding and Revegetation with Native Grasses
We have a stunningly beautiful array of native grasses, wildflowers and shrubs that thrive in the New Mexico ecosystem. These native species bring color and texture to a landscape, even in the winter months. RainCatcher designs and implements full restoration plans for large or small properties. Utilizing unique erosion control and soil building techniques, and through the use of hydroseeding and temporary irrigation, we can revegetate bare areas in one season! See our Seeding with Native Grasses section for more information and photos.
Sound interesting? Email us about your project needs. The RainCatcher offers consultations and estimates for a fee of $100, including travel time. We look forward to hearing from you!