Fescue grasses can be a green and lush water-wise choice for lawns and landscaping.
Although we live in a high steppe ecosystem with minimal rainfall and precipitation, we do have a stunningly beautiful array of native grasses, wildflowers and shrubs that thrive in this ecosystem. These native species bring color and texture to a landscape, even in the winter months.
The most important aspect of seeding and establishing these native species is that they are the key in holding our precious soil together and minimizing erosion issues, which are so common and rampant because of overdevelpment and overgrazing over the years. By using these native species, we can quickly bring the life of the soil back by establishing root systems that hold soil and help keep soil biology alive.
These native grasses, wildflowers and shrubs also provide color all seasons, are good sources of pollination and food sources for surrounding wildlife, and also help establish wildlife habitat and forage. Once established these natives don’t need much attention and can stay dormant in times of drought, and then come alive within days once the rains come again. One of the keys to restoring our lands and ecosystems.

For revegetation and germinating native grasses, temporary irrigation is sometimes used.
There are many hardy, drought-tolerant and beautiful species to choose from. Here are some of the grasses and wildflowers we use for seeding:
Grasses – Sheep Fescue, Blue Grama, Sideoats Grama, Streambank Wheatgrass, Indian Ricegrass, Galleta, Alkali Sacaton and Little Bluestem.
Wildflowers – Blanketflower, Blue Flax, Desert Four O’Clock, Desert Marigold, Purple Aster, Rocky Mt. Beeplant, Plains Coreopsis, Broom Dalea, Mexican Gold Poppy, Firewheel, Mexican Evening Primrose, Sand Penstemon, Pink Wild Snapdragon, California Bluebells, Mexican Hat and Yellow Prairie Coneflower.
RainCatcher can help to design and implement full restoration plans for large or small properties, utilizing unique erosion control techniques, and soil building techniques that will create nucleus points for vegetative growth, and through the use of hydroseeding and temporary irrigation, we can revegetate bare areas in one season!
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Sound interesting? Email us about your project needs. The RainCatcher offers consultations and estimates for a fee of $100, including travel time. We look forward to hearing from you!